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Cash transfers: What’s gender got to do with it?

May 29, 2016

In discussions with stakeholders, there are two gender assumptions we hear repeatedly: 1. giving benefits to women (rather than men) will result in better outcomes – particularly for children 2. transfers will increase women’s empowerment. In other words, paying attention … Read more

Cash transfers and fertility: new evidence from Africa

February 25, 2016

Social cash transfers are an increasingly popular tool in African national governments’ social protection strategies, but a question that often comes up about their use is will such programmes encourage parents to have larger families in a region with stubbornly … Read more

It’s Payday! What a cash transfer looks like in Ghana

December 15, 2015

Cash transfer programs have become an increasingly popular component of social protection strategies across sub-Saharan Africa. These programs provide monthly payments to poor and vulnerable households and can lead to multiple demonstrated benefits, such as the improvement of health and … Read more

Doing impact evaluation in a remote region of Ghana

October 19, 2015

What do snakes, flat batteries, limited privacy, and identifying a suitable cut-off point have in common? As I recently observed, they are some of the many challenges that can occur when conducting an impact evaluation in a remote village.

Giving girls a chance

August 7, 2015

Mounting evidence from systematic reviews suggest that cash transfers have positive impacts on youth transitions into adulthood. Yet, data illustrating how these programs affect outcomes is generally scarce. Now new research presents evidence of these impacts, suggesting that unconditional cash … Read more