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Cash transfers reduce poverty through increases in income, household consumption and investment in human capital, while allowing households to enhance their resilience to adverse shocks.

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Type Title Country(s) Year Citation
Brief Stawisha Maisha Baseline Research Brief, 2024 Tanzania 2024
Presentation Long-term effects on households and adult children of Malawi's National Cash Transfer Program Malawi 2024
Brief Ujana Salama: Mpango wa Nyogza ya Ruzuku Unaohusu Mabadiliko Salama kutoka Ujanani hadi Utu Uzima wenye Afya na Ustawi, Matokeo ya Awamu ya 4 Tanzania 2024
Blog Wrong answers are useful too! Using all multiple choices to uncover hidden variation to estimate test scores from large field surveys Malawi; Zambia 2024
Journal Article Evaluating spillovers and cost-effectiveness of complementary agricultural and social protection interventions: evidence from Lesotho Lesotho 2023
Journal Article ‘Joy, not sorrow’: Men's perspectives on gender, violence, and cash transfers targeted to women in northern Ghana Ghana 2023
Journal Article More evidence on cash transfers and child nutritional outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis Multi-Country 2022
Manley JAlderman HGentilini U
More evidence on cash transfers and child nutritional outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Journal Article The impact of cash and health insurance on child nutrition during the first 1000 days: Evidence from Ghana Ghana 2022

de Groot, Richard & Yablonski, Jennifer & Valli, Elsa, 2022. “The impact of cash and health insurance on child nutrition during the first 1000 days: Evidence from Ghana,” Food Policy, Elsevier, vol. 107(C).

Journal Article Cash transfers’ role in improving livelihood diversification strategies and well-being: short- and medium-term evidence from Zimbabwe Zimbabwe 2022

Pace, Noemi & Sebastian, Ashwini & Daidone, Silvio & Campos, Ana & Prifti, Ervin & Davis, Benjamin. (2022). Cash transfers’ role in improving livelihood diversification strategies and well-being: short- and medium-term evidence from Zimbabwe. World Development. 154. 105874. 10.1016/j.worlddev.2022.105874.

Journal Article The Psychology of Poverty: Evidence from the Field Malawi 2020

Molotsky, A., Handa, S. (2020) The Psychology of Poverty: Evidence from the Field, Journal of African Economies, Volume 30, Issue 3, June 2021, Pages 207–224,

Journal Article More Evidence on the Impact of Government Social Protection in Sub Saharan Africa: Ghana, Malawi and Zimbabwe Ghana; Malawi; Zimbabwe 2021

Handa, S., Otchere, F., Sirma, P. and (2021), More Evidence on the Impact of Government Social Protection in Sub Saharan Africa: Ghana, Malawi and Zimbabwe. Dev Policy Rev. Accepted Author Manuscript.

Journal Article Urban cash transfers and poverty in Ghana Ghana 2021

Cuesta, J., & Danquah, M. (2021). Urban cash transfers and poverty in GhanaReview of Development Economics001-23

Journal Article Asfaw S, Davis B, Dewbre J, Handa S andWinters P. (2014).Cash transfer programme, productive activities and labour supply: Evidence from randomized experiment in Kenya,Journal of Development Studies,50(8): 1172-1196. Kenya 2014 Asfaw S, Davis B, Dewbre J, Handa S andWinters P. (2014).Cash transfer programme, productive activities and labour supply: Evidence from randomized experiment in Kenya,Journal of Development Studies,50(8): 1172-1196.
Journal Article Covarrubias K. (2012).From protection to production: productive impacts of the Malawi Social Cash Transfer scheme.Journal of Development Effectiveness 4(1): 50-77. Malawi 2012 Covarrubias K. (2012).From protection to production: productive impacts of the Malawi Social Cash Transfer scheme.Journal of Development Effectiveness 4(1): 50-77.
Blog Fast access to cash provides urgent relief to those hardest hit by COVID-19 Multi-Country 2020

Jacobus de Hoop, Luisa Natali, Alexis Boncenne, Angie Lee (UNICEF Office of Research–Innocenti). April 2020.

Blog Agricultural transformation to reduce poverty and hunger: An innovative approach.Massimiliano Terzini (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), July 2017. 2017 Agricultural transformation to reduce poverty and hunger: An innovative approach.Massimiliano Terzini (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), July 2017.
Blog Food for thought on measuring child food insecurity.Audrey Pereira (UNICEF Office of Research-Innocenti), December 2016. 2016 Food for thought on measuring child food insecurity.Audrey Pereira (UNICEF Office of Research-Innocenti), December 2016.
Blog What is the role of cash transfer programmes in achieving zero hunger in sub-Saharan Africa?Lisa Hjelm (UNICEF Office of Research-Innocenti),February 2016. 2016 What is the role of cash transfer programmes in achieving zero hunger in sub-Saharan Africa?Lisa Hjelm (UNICEF Office of Research-Innocenti),February 2016.
Blog Time to bring on reinforcements to end hunger: Social Protection?Natalia Winder Rossi, Maria Angelita Ruvalcaba, andJoan Matji, (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), October 2015. 2015 Time to bring on reinforcements to end hunger: Social Protection?Natalia Winder Rossi, Maria Angelita Ruvalcaba, andJoan Matji, (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), October 2015.
Blog Cash transfers for climate-resilient development. Kathleen Lawlor (University of North Carolina at Asheville), September 2015. 2015 Cash transfers for climate-resilient development.Kathleen Lawlor (University of North Carolina at Asheville), September 2015.
Blog Dependency is dead!Ben Davis (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), September 2015. 2015 Dependency is dead!Ben Davis (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), September 2015.
Blog Thinking longer term.John Maluccio (Middlebury College), August 2015. 2015 Thinking longer term.John Maluccio (Middlebury College), August 2015.
Blog One instrument, many outcomes.J. Edward Taylor (University of California, Davis), April 2015. 2015 One instrument, many outcomes.J. Edward Taylor (University of California, Davis), April 2015.
Brief FAO. (2020). Social Protection: ensuring effective response and inclusive recovery in the context of COVID-19 in Africa. Food and Agriculture of the United Nations, Rome, Italy. Multi-Country 2020

FAO. (2020). Social Protection: ensuring effective response and inclusive recovery in the context of COVID-19 in Africa. Food and Agriculture of the United Nations, Rome, Italy.

Journal Article Learning about labour impacts of cash transfers in Zambia Zambia 2017

Prifti E, Estruch E, Daidone S, Davids B, Van Ufford P, Michelo S, Handa A, Seidenfeld D and Tembo G. (2017). Learning about labour impacts of cash transfers in Zambia. Journal of African Economies: 1-10.

Working and Position Paper Can Unconditional Cash Transfers Lead to Sustainable Poverty Reduction? Evidence from two government-led programmes in Zambia Zambia 2016

Handa S, Natali L, Seidenfeld D, Tembo G andDavis B. (2016). Can Unconditional Cash Transfers Lead to Sustainable Poverty Reduction? Evidence from two government-led programmes in Zambia. Innocenti Working Papers no. 2016-21, UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti, Florence.

Journal Article The effect of cash transfers and household vulnerability on food security in Zimbabwe Zimbabwe 2018

Bhalla G, Hnda S, Angeles G and Seidenfeld D. (2018). The effect of cash transfers and household vulnerability on food security in Zimbabwe. Food Policy (74): 82-99.

Working and Position Paper The Effect of Cash Transfers and Household Vulnerability on Food Insecurity in Zimbabwe Zimbabwe 2016

Bhalla G, Handa S, Angeles G and Seidenfeld D. (2016). The Effect of Cash Transfers and Household Vulnerability on Food Insecurity in Zimbabwe, Innocenti Working Papers no. 2016-22, UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti, Florence.

Brief Zimbabwe's Harmonized Cash Transfer Programme improves food security and reduces reliance on food gifts Zimbabwe 2018

Bhalla G. (2018). Zimbabwe’s Harmonized Cash Transfer Programme improves food security and reduces reliance on food gifts. Innocenti Research Brief 2018-18. UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti, Florence, Italy.

Brief Do Cash Transfers Change Household Consumption Preferences? Evidence from an Unconditional Cash Transfer in Kenya Kenya 2012

Kenya CT-OVC Evaluation Team. (2012). Do Cash Transfers Change Household Consumption Preferences? Evidence from an Unconditional Cash Transfer in Kenya. IPC-UNDP Research Brief.

Journal Article Impact of increases in food prices on consumer welfare in Lesotho Lesotho 2017

Prifti E, Daidone S and Miguelez B. (2017).Impact of increases in food prices on consumer welfare in Lesotho. African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 12(1): 52-61

Journal Article Effects of treatment beyond the treated: a general equilibrium impact evaluation of Lesotho's cash grants program Lesotho 2015

Filipski MJ, Taylor JE, Thome KE and Davis B. (2015). Effects of treatment beyond the treated: a general equilibrium impact evaluation of Lesotho’s cash grants program. Agricultural Economics, 46(2): 139280

Working and Position Paper Feed Thy Neighbour: how Social Ties shape Spillover Effects of Cash Transfers on Food Security and Nutrition Lesotho 2019

Carraro A and Ferrone L. (2019).Feed Thy Neighbour: how Social Ties shape Spillover Effects of Cash Transfers on Food Security and Nutrition. Working Paper N.21/2019, DISEI, Universit`a degli Studi di Firenze.

Journal Article One plus one can be greater than two: evaluating synergies of development programmes in Malawi Malawi 2017

Pace N, Daidone S, Davis B, Handa S, Knowles H and Pickmans R. (2017). One plus one can be greater than two: evaluating synergies of development programmes in Malawi. Journal of Development studies, 0: 1-38.

Journal Article Cash transfer programs and agricultural production: the case of Malawi Malawi 2013

Boone R, Covarrubias K, Davis B and Winters P. (2013). Cash transfer programs and agricultural production: the case of Malawi. Agricultural Economics, 44(3): 365378.

Brief Policy Options to Improve Life Cycle Vulnerabilities of Beneficiaries in the Malawi Social Cash Transfer Programme: Summary brief Malawi 2020

UNICEF Innocenti (2020).Policy Options to Improve Life Cycle Vulnerabilities of Beneficiaries in the Malawi Social Cash Transfer Programme: Summary brief. UNICEF Innocenti, Florence, Italy.

Brief Malawi Social Cash Transfer Programme Impact Evaluation: Community Perceptions of Poverty and Wellbeing Malawi 2015

Abdoulayi S and Brugh K. (2015). Malawi Social Cash Transfer Programme Impact Evaluation: Community Perceptions of Poverty and Wellbeing. The Transfer Project Research Brief 2015-08. Chapel Hill, NC: Carolina Population Center, UNC-Chapel Hill.

Brief The impact of cash transfers on food security Ethiopia; Ghana; Kenya; Lesotho; Malawi; Zambia; Zimbabwe 2016

Hjelm L. (2016). The impact of cash transfers on food security. Transfer Project Research Brief 2016-01. Chapel Hill, NC: Carolina Population Center, UNC-Chapel Hill.

Brief The impacts of the Social Cash Transfer Pilot Programme on community dynamics in Tigray, Ethiopia Ethiopia 2014

FAO (2014). The impacts of the Social Cash Transfer Pilot Programme on community dynamics in Tigray, Ethiopia. Food and Agriculture of the United Nations, Rome Italy.

Brief Impacts of the Social Cash Transfer Pilot Programme (SCTPP) on the local economy in Ethiopia Ethiopia 2014

FAO (2014). Impacts of the Social Cash Transfer Pilot Programme (SCTPP) on the local economy in Ethiopia. Food and Agriculture of the United Nations, Rome Italy.

Journal Article Impact of cash transfer programs on food security and nutrition in sub-Saharan Africa: A cross-country analysis Ghana; Kenya; Lesotho; Zambia 2016

Daidone S, Ruvalcaba MA, Prifti E, Handa S, Davis B, Niang O, Pellerano L, Quarles van Ufford P and Seidenfeld D. (2016).Impact of cash transfer programs on food security and nutrition in sub-Saharan Africa: A cross-country analysis. Global Food Security, 11: 72-83.

Journal Article Is Graduation from Social Safety Nets Possible? Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa Ghana; Kenya; Lesotho; Malawi; Zambia 2015

Daidone, S, Pellerano, L, Handa, S and Davis, B. (2015),Is Graduation from Social Safety Nets Possible? Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa. IDS Bulletin, 46:93102. doi:10.1111/1759-5436.12132

Working and Position Paper Can social assistance (with a child lens) help in reducing urban poverty in Ghana? Evidence, challenges and the way forward Ghana 2018

Devereux S, Abdulai A-G, Cuesta J, Gupte J, Ragno LP, Roelen K, Sabates-Wheeler R, Spadafora T. (2018). Can social assistance (with a child lens) help in reducing urban poverty in Ghana? Evidence, challenges and the way forward. Innocenti Working Papers no. 2018-16, UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti. Florence, Italy.

Journal Article Time Discounting and Credit Constraints in a Large Scale Cash Transfer Program Kenya 2016

Handa S, Martorano B, Halpern C, Pettifor A and Thirumurthy H. (2016). Time Discounting and Credit Constraints in a Large Scale Cash Transfer Program, Journal of African Economies, 25(3): 367-387.