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Linking cash transfer programmes to complementary interventions and existing services can boost the impacts of cash for more transformative outcomes on the lives of programme paticipants. These integrated social protection initiatives, or 'Cash plus' programmes, range from behaviour change communication to facilitating enrollment in health insurance schemes, and more.

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Type Title Country(s) Year Citation
Brief Stawisha Maisha Baseline Research Brief, 2024 Tanzania 2024
Blog Ujana Salama: mradi wa nyongeza ya fedha (cash plus) unaohusu ustawi na mbadiliko salama kwa bijana--matokeo ya tathimini ya kati Tanzania 2022
Brief Ujana Salama: Cash Plus Model on Youth Well-Being and Safe, Healthy Transitions--Round 3 Findings Tanzania 2023
Brief Ujana Salama: Mpango wa Nyogza ya Ruzuku Unaohusu Mabadiliko Salama kutoka Ujanani hadi Utu Uzima wenye Afya na Ustawi, Matokeo ya Awamu ya 4 Tanzania 2024
Brief Ujana Salama: A Cash Plus Model for Safe Transitions to a Healthy and Productive Adulthood, Round 4 Findings (English) Tanzania 2024
Journal Article Transactional sex among adolescent girls and young women enrolled in a cash plus intervention in rural Tanzania: a mixed-methods study Tanzania 2022
Journal Article Impacts of cash transfer and “cash plus” programs on self- perceived stress in Africa: Evidence from Ghana, Malawi, and Tanzania Ghana; Malawi; Tanzania 2023

John Maara, Cristina Cirillo, Gustavo Angeles, Leah Prencipe, Marlous deMilliano, Sarah M. Lima, Tia Palermo, Impacts of cash transfer and “cash plus” programs on self- perceived stress in Africa: Evidence from Ghana, Malawi, and Tanzania, SSM – Population Health,Volume 22, 2023, 101403, ISSN 2352-8273,

Blog Reflections on the "Reimagining Social Protection in a Time of Global Uncertainty" Conference 2023
Journal Article ‘Joy, not sorrow’: Men's perspectives on gender, violence, and cash transfers targeted to women in northern Ghana Ghana 2023
Instrument 3_Mozambique Child Wellbeing Endline Survey 2021, Health Facility Survey Mozambique 2021
Instrument 2_Mozambique Child Wellbeing Endline Survey 2021, Community Survey Mozambique 2021
Instrument 1_Mozambique Child Wellbeing Endline Survey, Household Instrument Mozambique 2021
Instrument 3_Mozambique Child Wellbeing Baseline Survey 2019 Health Facility Survey Mozambique 2019
Instrument 2_Mozambique Child Wellbeing Baseline Survey 2019 Community Survey Mozambique 2019
Instrument 1_Mozambique Child Wellbeing Baseline Survey, Household Instrument_EN Mozambique 2019
Journal Article Health services availability and readiness moderate cash transfer impacts on health insurance enrolment: evidence from the LEAP 1000 cash transfer program in Ghana Ghana 2022
Journal Article More evidence on cash transfers and child nutritional outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis Multi-Country 2022
Manley JAlderman HGentilini U
More evidence on cash transfers and child nutritional outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Journal Article The impact of cash and health insurance on child nutrition during the first 1000 days: Evidence from Ghana Ghana 2022

de Groot, Richard & Yablonski, Jennifer & Valli, Elsa, 2022. “The impact of cash and health insurance on child nutrition during the first 1000 days: Evidence from Ghana,” Food Policy, Elsevier, vol. 107(C).

Journal Article Cash transfers’ role in improving livelihood diversification strategies and well-being: short- and medium-term evidence from Zimbabwe Zimbabwe 2022

Pace, Noemi & Sebastian, Ashwini & Daidone, Silvio & Campos, Ana & Prifti, Ervin & Davis, Benjamin. (2022). Cash transfers’ role in improving livelihood diversification strategies and well-being: short- and medium-term evidence from Zimbabwe. World Development. 154. 105874. 10.1016/j.worlddev.2022.105874.

Journal Article The impact of unconditional cash transfers on morbidity and health-seeking behaviour in Africa: evidence from Ghana,Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabw Ghana; Malawi; Multi-Country; Zambia; Zimbabwe 2022

Jacob Novignon, Leah Prencipe, Adria Molotsky, Elsa Valli, Richard de Groot, Clement Adamba, Tia Palermo, The impact of unconditional cash transfers on morbidity and health-seeking behaviour in Africa: evidence from Ghana,Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe, Health Policy and Planning, 2022;, czac014,

Journal Article ‘Poverty can break a home’: Exploring mechanisms linking cash plus programming and intimate partner violence in Ghana Ghana 2021

Barrington C., Peterman A., Akaligaung A. J., Palermo T., de Milliano M., Aborigo R. A., ‘Poverty can break a home’: Exploring mechanisms linking cash plus programming and intimate partner violence in Ghana, Social Science & Medicine, 2021,

Brief Ujana Salama: mpango wa nyongeza ya fedha (cash plus) unaohusu ustawi na mbadiliko salama kwa vijana--matokeo ya mzunguko wa3 tathimini Tanzania 2023
Report A Cash Plus Model for Safe Transitions to a Healthy and Productive Adulthood Round 3 Report Tanzania 2020
Journal Article Impacts of a Cash Plus Intervention on Gender Attitudes Among Tanzanian Adolescents Tanzania 2020

Chzhen, Y., Prencipe, L., Eetaama, F., Luchemba, P., Mnyawami Lukongo, T., Palermo, T. (2020) Impacts of a Cash Plus Intervention on Gender Attitudes Among Tanzanian Adolescents, Journal of Adolescent Health, ISSN: 1054-139X, Vol: 68, Issue: 5, Page: 899-905

Journal Article A cash plus program reduces youth exposure to physical violence in Zimbabwe Zimbabwe 2020

Chakrabarti, A., Handa, S., Angeles, G., Seidenfeld, D. (2020) A cash plus program reduces youth exposure to physical violence in Zimbabwe,
World Development, Volume 134, 105037,

Journal Article Urban cash transfers and poverty in Ghana Ghana 2021

Cuesta, J., & Danquah, M. (2021). Urban cash transfers and poverty in GhanaReview of Development Economics001-23

Infographic Cash Transfers vs Cash Plus: How Does 'Cash Plus' Work?

Cash Transfers vs Cash Plus: How Does ‘Cash Plus’ Work?

Podcast Tia Palermo (UNICEF Office of Research - Innocenti) on'Cash Plus' for adolescents in Tanzania: How it started, where it's going, and why research matters Tanzania Tia Palermo (UNICEF Office of Research - Innocenti) on'Cash Plus' for adolescents in Tanzania: How it started, where it's going, and why research matters
Report Participant experiences with Tanzania's Productive Social Safety Net 2019 Payment Delays Tanzania 2019 Participant experiences with Tanzania's Productive Social Safety Net 2019 Payment Delays
Report Cash 'plus' - Integrated Nutrition and Social Cash Transfer (IN-SCT) Pilot in Ethiopia: perceptions and feedback from clients and service providers (2017) Ethiopia 2017 Cash 'plus' - Integrated Nutrition and Social Cash Transfer (IN-SCT) Pilot in Ethiopia: perceptions and feedback from clients and service providers (2017)
Brief Roelen K, Prencipe L and Palermo T. (2018).'Cash plus': Linking cash transfers to services and sectors.Innocenti Research Brief 2018-19. UNICEF Office of Research - Innocenti, Florence, Italy. 2018 Roelen K, Prencipe L and Palermo T. (2018).'Cash plus': Linking cash transfers to services and sectors.Innocenti Research Brief 2018-19. UNICEF Office of Research - Innocenti, Florence, Italy.
Brief Tanzania Cash Plus Evaluation Team. Cash Plus: An Adolescent Livelihood, Health and Well-being Intervention as part of Tanzania's Productive Social Safety Net Programme. Innocenti Project Brief. UNICEF Office of Research - Innocenti, Florence, Italy. Tanzania 2018 Tanzania Cash Plus Evaluation Team. Cash Plus: An Adolescent Livelihood, Health and Well-being Intervention as part of Tanzania's Productive Social Safety Net Programme. Innocenti Project Brief. UNICEF Office of Research - Innocenti, Florence, Italy.
Brief Mills M and Barrington C. (2016).Utilizing Qualitative Methods in the Ghana LEAP 1000 Impact Evaluation,Methodological Briefsno. 2016-02, UNICEF Office of Research - Innocenti, Florence. Ghana 2016 Mills M and Barrington C. (2016).Utilizing Qualitative Methods in the Ghana LEAP 1000 Impact Evaluation,Methodological Briefsno. 2016-02, UNICEF Office of Research - Innocenti, Florence.
Brief Ghana LEAP 1000 Impact Evaluation: Overview of Study Design Ghana 2016

de Groot R. (2016). Ghana LEAP 1000 Impact Evaluation: Overview of Study Design,Methodological Briefsno. 2016-01, UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti, Florence.

Brief Ghana LEAP 1000 impact evaluation: Analysis of transfer size and estimated impacts Ghana 2016

de Groot R and Handa S. (2016). Ghana LEAP 1000 impact evaluation: Analysis of transfer size and estimated impacts.Transfer Project Research Brief 2016-11. Chapel Hill, NC: Carolina Population Center, UNC-Chapel Hill.

Working and Position Paper How to Make 'Cash Plus' Work: Linking Cash Transfers to Services and Sectors 2017

Roelen K, Devereux S, Abdulai A, Martorana B, Palermo T, Ragno LP. (2017) How to Make ‘Cash Plus’ Work: Linking Cash Transfers to Services and Sectors. Innocenti Working Papers no. 2017-10, UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti, Florence.

Blog When Cash Alone is Not Enough: the transformative power of Cash Plus programmes, UNICEF Innocenti, May 2018 2018 When Cash Alone is Not Enough: the transformative power of Cash Plus programmes, UNICEF Innocenti, May 2018
Video What is Cash Plus? 2020 What is Cash Plus?
Video What difference does Cash Plus make? Multi-Country 2020 What difference does Cash Plus make?
Video The CASH Plus Model: Improving adolescent wellbeing with evidence 2019 The CASH Plus Model: Improving adolescent wellbeing with evidence
Video Cash Transfers for Mother Baby Health in Ghana Ghana 2016 Cash Transfers for Mother Baby Health in Ghana
Video Tia Palermo on Leveraging Cash Transfers to Reduce IPV Ghana 2019 Tia Palermo on Leveraging Cash Transfers to Reduce IPV
Multimedia Tanzania: Cash Plus Theory of Change Tanzania Tanzania: Cash Plus Theory of Change
Multimedia How does 'cash plus' work? How does 'cash plus' work?
Multimedia Child Grant: Programme and Evaluation Framework General/Unaffiliated

Child Grant: Programme and Evaluation Framework

Journal Article Enhanced life distress inventory: Development and validation in two African countries Tanzania 2020

Palermo T, Hall J. B, & Cirillo C on behalf of the Tanzania PSSN Youth Study Evaluation Team, Tanzania Adolescent Cash Plus Study Team, and Ghana LEAP 1000 Evaluation Team. (2020).Enhanced life distress inventory: Development and validation in two African countries,British Journal of Health Psychology,DOI: 10.1111/bjhp.12448

Brief Impact of the United Republic of Tanzania's Productive Social Safety Net on Child Labour and Education Tanzania 2020

UNICEF Innocenti (2020).Impact of the United Republic of Tanzania’s Productive Social Safety Net on Child Labour and Education. UNICEF Innocenti, Florence, Italy.

Brief Ujana Salama: Cash Plus Model on Youth Well-Being and Safe, Healthy Transitions - Midline findings (English version) Tanzania 2022

UNICEF Innocenti (2019). Ujana Salama: Cash Plus Model on Youth Well-Being and Safe, Healthy Transitions – Midline findings. Innocenti Research Brief 2020-22. UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti, Florence, Italy.

Working and Position Paper Complementarities between social protection and health sector policies: evidence from productive safety net program in Ethiopia Ethiopia 2017

Hirvonen K, Bossuyt A and Pigois R. (2017). Complementarities between social protection and health sector policies: evidence from productive safety net program in Ethiopia. IFPRI Strategy Support Program Working Paper 112.

Brief Cash plus in practice: integrating nutrition and access to services in the PSNP in Ethiopia Ethiopia 2017

UNICEF. (2017). Cash plus in practice: integrating nutrition and access to services in the PSNP in Ethiopia. UNICEF Ethiopia Brief. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Working and Position Paper Child malnutrition, consumption growth, maternal care and price shocks: new evidence from Northern Ghana Ghana 2017

de Groot R, Handa S, Ragno LP and Spadafora T. (2017). Child malnutrition, consumption growth, maternal care and price shocks: new evidence from Northern Ghana. Innocenti Working Papers no. 2017-01, UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti. Florence, Italy.

Working and Position Paper How to make 'cash plus' work in social protection: linking services and sectors. Innocenti Working Papers no. 2017-10 Ethiopia; Ghana 2017

Roelen K, Devereux S, Abdulai AG, Martorano B, Palermo T and Ragno LP. (2017). How to make ‘cash plus’ work in social protection: linking services and sectors. Innocenti Working Papers no. 2017-10, UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti. Florence, Italy.

Brief Ghana LEAP 1000 impact evaluation: Targeting effectiveness. Transfer Project Research Brief 2016-10 Ghana 2016

de Groot R and Handa S. (2016). Ghana LEAP 1000 impact evaluation: Targeting effectiveness. Transfer Project Research Brief 2016-10. Chapel Hill, NC: Carolina Population Center, UNC-Chapel Hill.