Measuring taboo topics: List randomization for research on gender-based violence.Amber Peterman and Tia Palermo (UNICEF Office of Research Innocenti), January 2018 May 26, 2021
When over 500 minds converge to prevent gender-based violence.Amber Peterman and Alina Potts (UNICEF Office of Research Innocenti), October 2017 May 26, 2021
New Systematic Review on Cash Transfers and Contraceptive Use-Good Research and Bad Advice?Tia Palermo (UNICEF Office of Research Innocenti) and Amanda Glassman (Center for Global Development), February 2017 May 26, 2021
Cash transfers: What’s gender got to do with it?Amber Peterman and Luisa Natali (UNICEF Office of Research-Innocenti), Jennifer Yablonski (UNICEF Headquarters), May 2016 May 26, 2021
#HEARMETOO: UNICEF Research on Gender-Based Violence for #16Days of Activism: UNICEF Innocenti podcast May 26, 2021
Gender-sensitive social protection: A critical component of the COVID-19 response in low- and middle-income countries May 26, 2021
Peterman A, Palermo T, Handa S and Seidenfeld D on behalf of the Zambia Child Grant Program Evaluation Team. (2017).List randomization for soliciting experience of intimate partner violence: Application to the evaluation of Zambia’s unconditional child grant program.Health Economics,0: 1-7. May 26, 2021