Cash transfers: What’s gender got to do with it?Amber Peterman and Luisa Natali (UNICEF Office of Research-Innocenti), Jennifer Yablonski (UNICEF Headquarters), May 2016 May 26, 2021
The Government of Kenya’s Cash Transfer Program Reduces the Risk of Sexual Debut Among Young People Age 15-25 May 26, 2021
Mind the gender gap: How can a gender-norm lens improve social protection outcomes for adolescents? May 26, 2021
Marriage, Fertility, and HIV Prevention: Have Our High Hopes for Cash Transfer Programmes and Adolescent Girls been Dashed? May 26, 2021
Measurement of Interpersonal Violence in National Social Cash Transfer Evaluations. The Transfer Project Research Brief 2015-02. Chapel Hill, NC: Carolina Population Center, UNC-Chapel Hill April 28, 2021