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by Hannah Silverstein Tests and assessments measure a variety of outcomes including skills, ability, performance, and knowledge. Cognitive-type tests have become quite common in many large scale surveys. However, these multi-topic surveys often have limited space, and can only include a short number of items. In our new paper, “Large Field Surveys and Short Items…

woman standing in front of a grey background holding a microphone. The woman is black and is wearing a blue shirt and patterned taupe scarf.

Patience Masi and Tia Palermo reflect on the recent "Reimagining Social Protection in a Time of Global Uncertainty" Conference hosted by the Institute for Development Studies in Brighton, England.

Sudhanshu Handa and Zhiyuan Liu discuss how a machine learning technique can be applied to study the impact of unconditional cash transfers on different programme participants and contribute to the development of a middle range theory on graduation out of poverty.

Over the past 30 months we have been carefully tracking countries’ unprecedented social protection responses to Covid-19. But what are we learning from such wealth of experiences?

This blog entry summarizes five studies completed in the last two years that examine impacts of cash, cash-for-work and cash plus programs on both violent discipline of children and male intimate partner violence against women (IPV).

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